The hip joint is made up of 2 major parts. One or both parts may be replaced during surgery. Arthritis is a progressive disorder which in medical term means inflammation of the joint . Hip Replacement treatment generally provides when all other pain management therapies fail to reduce the pain caused by the arthritis of the Hip. Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by an artificial prosthetic implant. Such joint replacement surgeries are generally conducted to relieve pain caused by arthritis or severe physical damage such as hip fracture. After the Hip Replacement surgery the patient retains all normal motions and movements that one may need to carry out daily tasks. It is also referred to as Total Hip Arthroplasty or Total Hip Replacement. Symptoms that require hip replacement -Pain that keeps one awake at night -Little or no relief from pain medications -Difficulty walking up or down the stairs -Trouble standing from a seated position -Having to stop walking because of pain Other reasons for replacing the hip joint are -Fractures in the thigh bone. -Older adults often have a hip replacement for this reason. -Hip joint tumors.To Book Your Appointment please call 91 79 4020 3333 or visit



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