2011 Mountain Aire by Newmar

2011 Newmar Mountain Aire 4333. Transferable Extended Warranty until 8 17. 425 Cummins (Pre DEF) Allison Transmission. 4 Slides. Excellent condition. Spartan Chasis like the top-of-line King Aire. All service records. Only serious buyers please. Sahara paint Mondavi Maple cabinets Spartan Chassis 3-15k a c heat pumps 10k Onan Generator Hydroponic heater-hot water French door residential Fridge Propane Stove Driver power window Central vacuum 2-40 TVs in Livingroom 2 Euro Chairs 1-Flat screen TV in Bedroom Heated front seats New Interstate Coach batteries Porcelain ceramic floor tile Power shades Full storage tray Safe Shower seat 32 tv outside Auto electric reel washer and dryer Sea level tank monitors Sony Surround Sound Eclipse with TomTom Xm GPS Radio IPod connect 265 500.00. Video made in 2011 showing exact same coach. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1010121.htm sthash.pnkvfCin.dpuf



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