Cogan and Power P.C. - Medical Malpractice Attorney Chicago

How important is it to have an experienced medical malpractice attorney Chicago residents trust after a medical error When a doctor s missed diagnosis or a surgical error has caused devastating results your attorney s knowledge and experience are crucial. At Cogan & Power P.C. we have obtained millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for clients in medical malpractice cases. We focus on gathering evidence and testimony to build a strong case. With an extensive network of consultants on hand ranging from a former nurse to consultants with a major teaching hospital we approach each case fully informed and prepared. Medical mistakes can cause devastating lifelong injuries to which you may be entitled compensation. Call our offices today at (312) 477-2500 to schedule a free consultation.Cogan & Power P.C. 1 East Upper Wacker Drive Suite 510 Chicago IL 60601 Phone (312) 477-2500mcogan(at)



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