Human Resources Manager

JOB SUMMARY Develops policy directs and coordinates human resources activities such as human resource planning recruitment collective bargaining training of employees pay and benefit administration and other employee services. The job additionally requires the maintenance of ongoing relations between the employees and management. PREREQUISITES QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor s degree in a related fields strongly preferred 3 to 5 years HR related experience At least 2 years of management experience Proficiency in the Microsoft Suite (Word Excel Power Point) Strong interpersonal and communication skills Detail oriented and highly organized RESPONSIBILITIES Analyzes and conducts wage and salary reports and data to determine competitive compensation plan. Must be able to determine staffing needs through communication with other departments within the organization Must establish recruitment process and identify where to locate high quality potential candidates and ensuring opportunities are presented to underrepresented groups Identifies legal requirements and government reporting regulations affecting human resources functions and ensures policies procedures and reporting are in compliance. Studies legislation arbitration decisions and collective bargaining contracts to assess industry trends. Recruits interviews tests and selects employees to fill vacant positions. Plans and conducts new employee orientation to foster positive attitude toward Company goals. Keeps records of benefits plans participation such as insurance and pension plan personnel transactions such as hires promotions transfers performance reviews and terminations and employee statistics for government reporting. Coordinates management training in interviewing hiring terminations promotions performance review safety and sexual harassment. Advises management in appropriate resolution of employee relations issues. Administers benefits programs such as life health and dental insurance pension plans vacation sick leave leave of absence and employee assistance. Investigates accidents and prepares reports for insurance carrier. Ensure that each employee has an opportunity for career development and understands his her growth opportunities Prepares reports and recommends procedures to reduce absenteeism and turnover. Contracts with outside suppliers to provide employee services such as temporary employees search firms or relocation services. Salary 44 hour (35hours week) Position Permanent Full time To apply please send your resume via fax 604-940-8849 or email bronson(at) We want to thank all candidates for their interest but wish to advise that only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



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