Data Entry Clerk

This position is responsible for receiving documents and entering the data into the PC.All qualified candidates do not hesitate to replyPay range 15-17 per hour.Education Requirement -High school diploma or equivalent.Requirements-Two years of experience in a full Data Entry capacity is preferred-Must have excellent alpha and numeric recognition skills-Must be able to work quickly and accurately-Ability to key 10 000 strokes per hour on ALPHA and NUMERIC equipment is requiredQualifications-Must be authorized to work in the United States-Must be at least 18 years of age-Must be able to pass a drug screen AND background check-High school diploma or equivalent-Makes standard and routine decisions based on detailed guidelinesBackground check must be paid for by the applicant after receiving the go ahead from Human Resources. We use a certain company for this. Their information will be sent after your application has been received. If you pass we will take care of the drug screening during the interview process. Please send Cover letter Resume to scott.muller19(at)



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