2008 Dodge Ram 1500

4.7L V8. Extended Cab Flex Fuel 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 RWD. Want to save some money Get the NEW look for the used price on this good-looking 2008 Dodge Ram 1500. It s got that fresh aroma that indicates the previous owner probably kept it spotless and was a non-smoker. This truck hits the mark in impressive performance and luxury. J.D. Power named the 2008 Ram 1500 as the highest ranked in Overall Initial Quality Design in its class. New Car Test Drive said it ...offers a much smoother ride and a bigger more comfortable and more convenient cab. But all this refinement doesn t mean the Dodge Ram has gone soft...also delivers improved towing and hauling capability plus more powerful and efficient engines... Here you can choose from one of the largest collections of New Hyundai s used Cars Truck and SUVs When it comes to service were committed to providing the quality our Sherman Denison McKinney Paris Gainesville and Durant We have served North Texas and Southeastern Oklahoma clients for over 16 years Our technicians rely on the latest state-of-the-art equipment to service vehicles while clients relax in our work-friendly lounge with complimentary Wi-Fi 2 flat-screen televisions and coffee bar. Our finance department works for you to make sure you can get the financing you need for the vehicle you want. Jump-start the process now by submitting a no-obligation credit application. Call us today or shop 24 7 at www.texomahyundai.com.



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