2003 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

2003 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon with approximately 24 500 miles. 4.0L Power Tech I-6 Engine 5-Speed HD Manual Transmission Single original owner. Well maintained. Continuously garaged. No accidents or fender benders. Preventative maintenance schedule (as recommended by Jeep based on mileage) followed since purchase. Complete service records available. Exterior paint and body outstanding. Original soft-top outstanding. Aftermarket parts outstanding and include tail-light guards trailer hitch hood deflector and side running boards (tube rails). New Kenwood in-dash receiver w CD bluetooth and HD radio purchased and installed in May 2015. New Quadratec subwoofer purchased and installed in May 2015. Interior upholstery clean and free of rips tears. Passes NC safety and emissions tests. Some underbody rust.



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