Awesome opportunity in DeSoto Lakes NO HOA (SARASOTA FL)

Welcome home A totally remodeled Charming two bedroom one bath and lots to offer Beautiful vibrant natural lighting throughout the house. Updates include remodeled kitchen w new cabinets new appliances freshly painted interior and exterior. Awesome opportunity in DeSoto Lakes NO HOA. Beautiful trees area is close to UTC Mall restaurants outlets stores International Rowing facility I-75 beaches. PROPERTY REFERENCE NUMBER REF A4415415 Please CALL or TEXT (941) 3.6.3- for more info. PROPERTY DETAILS Residential Single Family Residence Bed 2 Bath 1 Sq. Ft 880 Yr. Built 1957 WHEN CALLING ABOUT THIS PROPERTY PLEASE PROVIDE Property Reference Number REF A4415415 Your Name Contact Number This PROPERTY is FOR SALE ONLY Contact Information Jason J Ralston Trend Realty - Realtor Sarasota FL 34236 Phone (941) 3.6.3- Listing Provided By Artab Pangallo with EZ CHOICE REALTY



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