2007 Chevrolet Uplander LS

2007 CHEVROLET UPLANDER LS 4DR MINI VAN blue one owner mini-van. clean..... new tires 2-stage unlocking abs - 4-wheel airbag deactivation - occupant sensing passenger antenna type - mast anti-theft system - audio security system anti-theft system - engine immobilizer auxiliary engine cooler axle ratio - 3.29 cargo area light child safety locks child seat anchors clock cruise control cupholders - front rear and third row daytime running lights driver seat manual adjustments - 4 electronic brakeforce distribution exterior mirrors - power front air conditioning front air conditioning zones - single front airbags - dual front brake diameter - 11.7 front brake width - 1.3 front brakes - ventilated disc front headrests - 2 front headrests - height adjustable front seat type - bucket front shock type - gas front spring type - coil front struts - macpherson front suspension classificatio



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