Senior Network Engineer

Summary Management Business Solutions (MBS) is seeking a Sr. Network Engineer for a manufacturing client in Holland. This is a first shift role that provides network and telecommunications project support to the organization. Responsibilities Provides systems software planning design configuring and support for complex operating systems or sub-systems Analyzes solves and prevents performance problems to assure system is tuned to maintain established performance levels. Initiates appropriate action to maintain established service levels Establishes methods and procedures for use in planning configuring and supporting system software Acts as liaison between computer users and representatives of operating system or other system software suppliers Performs tests on new releases of operating system or other systems software planned for migration from test to production Performs feasibility studies on new releases of operating systems and other system software to provide implementation plans recommendations estimates of resource requirements impact on existing systems and benefits Trains others and explains systems technology considerations in understandable way to non-technical audience Qualifications Bachelor s degree in an information technology discipline or related field OR additional equivalent years of work experience required 4 year s system engineering experience on projects designing developing and maintaining technology solutions. Five years computer systems engineering experience with demonstrated competence in systems programming skills Network and Telecom (Cisco Phone PBX VoIP) systems. Experience with MPLS networking BGP configurations and related telecommunications engineering and support. MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER



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