Does your yard have needs

Do you or someone you know have a dead dying or concerning tree on your property or in your yard Are you aware of what kind of damage a dead tree could actually cause if not removed in time If a dead tree is not removed in time it will start causing a tremendous amount of damange to your property over time. The following issues may occur when leaving a dead or dying tree on your property.... 1) Dead trees attract pests Tpically rats and termites are attracted to dead trees and both pests can migrate the short distances to your home. 2) Tree diseases are contagious If your tree died from or is currently dying from a tree disease other plants and trees can attract the same disease. 3) Dead trees are unattractive Dead trees aren t aesthetically pleasing. If you spend money on other aspects of landscaping you re counteracting those upgrades with the unappealing look of a dead tree. Curb appeal helps your neighborhood and can bring in more cash when it comes time to sell. 4) Branches may fall Weakened branches from a dead tree may fall during a windy day or durning a storm. In actuality these branches may fall at any given time destroying your home or your property. They are also a liablity if that fall on your neighbor s property. And don t forget animals and or people may walk underneath the tree and suffer a serious injury if not death from being hit by a branch. 5) Dead trees are more likely to fall or topple over Decay and decomposition compromise the integrity of the tree. Whichever way the tree falls it may damage your home or your neighbor s property or injure your family or passersby. So if you have a dead and or dying tree or even a tree that may be a concern please call Tree Of Life Landscaping & Tree Service to schedule your free estimate. You may contact us by phone at 910.644.2957 910.527.7778 by email at treeoflife_landscaping(at) or even visit us online at and fill out the contact form. We believe in making a living not a killing so even though we are a professional company insured & bonded we are also a family owned company and our goal is to provide professional work with the lowest prices. We also can handle all of your landscaping and lawn care needs so contact us today and we promise that you will not be disappointed. Don t wait act before it s too late



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