670317 -- Many who were in need found help by posting with us. Any many generous people found others that genuinely needed help. If you are in need or feel you can help someone please visit 2Hands10.com new2hands.org welcome ads rent Hi my name is Stephen. I m alost 48 disabled and taking care of my 84 year old Korean veteran father who is also disabled. My father lost most of his hearing when he was in the Korean war in charge of a Howitzer crew. He has bad knees and has lost most of his vision in the past 3-4 years. Macular degeneration in both eyes and retina separation in one of them. He s also started developing dementia. I have severe spinal problems (bulging lumbar discs scoliosis spinal stenosis numerous bone spurs and intermittent sciatica) and no insurance since I can t work anymore. This has worked until recently because his income from SS pension and disability workers comp covered things well enough and he had me go to the doctor monthly to treat my pain so I can move around well enough to take care of him while trying to get my disability. I ve been fighting social security SS for it for a few years now and beginning to think I m not going to win with them. Things were going alright until last November when we were informed that his permanent disability benefits were exhausted which cut the income in half. We were under the impression that he was supposed to get if for the rest of his life. Even his lawyers secretary thought that. But apparently the law got changed a couple years before he got it so if your awarded it after your 70 you only get it for 5 years. To top it off 2 weeks after we found this out we got a letter from the rental management company our landlord decided to start using a few months before that the rent was going up. That forced me to try an arrangement with someone from my past in Virginia but that didn t work out so I tried to arrange something with someone I knew in North Carolina but it was a no-go as well. We ended up in a motel which we were at for a month and a half. I even had to sell my car for nothing to stay the extra two weeks. After that we had to live in his truck for a few weeks after we lost nearly everything we owned and that wasn t good at all for his dementia. We are in a weekly rate motel at the moment but will have no place to go again after Wednesday morning 7 15. We only have a few dollars and nowhere to go. Thanks to anyone for any help we can get.
Category: Wanted
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