seeking roombathroom for rent Santa Maria or close by

Hi my name is melie me and my fiancee just moved here from North Dakota) we are seeking a home where it is peaceful friendly Drug Free Drama Free Christans Non Drinkers Non Partiers to rent a room from. i would like to have acsess to a private bathroom in room or accross from the room will also be willing to split other bills and or work out any other details we are both college studants enrolled in college fulltime for fall at allen Hancock college in santa maria I am currently working full-time at the holiday inn and my fiancee is seeking fulltime employment and works partime. We have no pets and are looking to rent the room on a shorterm basis as we plan on evently getting or own place we do not drink or do any drugs we are christans we do not know anyone and do not party we would not have any house guests We are very clean people and prior to moving here we owned our own cleaning business we are willing to help out with any household chores yard work as well as maintain our room and bathroom. we would also like to be able to have acsess to a washer and dryer and other common areas kitchen living room yard ect. We are also respectful of noise and are quite in nature we are in the sense a very normal typical couple seeking to room with another couple or family. please call us at 760)646-6861 Dennis or 661)941-5653 Melie



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