thrid annual fratenity sorority club raves

what thrid annual fraternity sorority club raves where luverne al (3mi raduis of 194 ave) when june 24-30 2016 call 855-415-2113 or 713-729-5110 for info eats fishtakes restuarnt 149 n.forest max pizza 416 & 424 s.forest chicken shack 665 s forest motel st.charles motel 1212 s.forest 334-335-5366 camelia house bed & breakfast 350 s.froest 334-335-2535 ole hotel bed & breakfast 28 e.5th st 334-335-3900 call for resverations pass this around to facebook emial twitter & fliers to your friends & family& neighbors it will be the best party rave of the year you will have the time of your life people over 21 invited



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