Get Best Neuro Surgery Treatment At Ahmedabad

Our subconscious minds control our brain for roughly 95% of the day. You have 70 000 thoughts per day The thought is a transient energy & energy can create mass.General neurosurgery involves most neurosurgical conditions including neuro-trauma and other neuro-emergencies such as intracranial hemorrhage.There are very fewer hospitals who provide Micro-Neurosurgery. Specialized branches have developed to cater& cure special and difficult conditions. These specialized branches co-exist with general neurosurgery in more sophisticated hospitals. At Shalby hospitals we provide the best service for every kind of neurosurgery in the best possible way with professional most efficient and hhighly qualifiedworld-class neurosurgeons. Tumors Cure with Micro-Neurosurgical Procedures 1. Brain Tumours2. Spinal Tumours3. Extra Dural Tumours4. Neurovascular Surgeries5. Interventional Neurosurgery6. Pediatric Neurosurgery7. Trigeminal neuralgiaTo Book Your Appointment please call 91 79 4020 3333 or visit



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