Independent Starting Film Company Seeking Talent of all kinds fo

We are looking for talent of all ages (18 ) races and backgrounds. Acting Stage Production experience preferred but not required. We are seeking volunteer performers and background talent to experience this new project with us and help it grow. Pay is not on the table at this time but when if we make money on the project those still with us will of course be in on that. This is an outrageous comedy sketch show and we re looking for comedians straight-face actors dancers and musicians. Please reply to this ad for a fun audition questionnaire We are doing video auditions so if you are interested in this opportunity please respond you will then be given a questionnaire in which you will make a short video no longer then 5 mins answering the questionnaire. This will be a fun opportunity in a multi-cultural sketch comedy with dancing and music Laid back but working environment.For more information about the Auditions please respond.



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