Older RUNNING Motor home

1985 27 Fleetwood South wind motor home. It will sleep 5 comfortably has shower toilet sink full kitchen except microwave double bed in the rear pull down bunk in cab onan generator propane tank that will run the refrigerator in needed. I bought this from a family member to help them out & now I need help financially so I gotta sell it. Its old and needs some TLC but does drive will need brakes soon. Make me an offer I can t refuse. The tags are out but I can get them up to date for a definite deal or I am willing to take the penalties off the negotiated price IT DOES RUN....motor sounds strong i drove it over 60 mph when i drove it to my house last month but it needs a tune up windshield wipers side mirrors & has an exhaust leak. The rest is cosmetic on the inside it looks like it has some water damage BC some of the paneling is peeling the carpet needs cleaned. Just really needs up dating which is what I was planning on doing however I made some stupid mistakes financially so I need to sell it and will take the best reasonable offer TEXT or email is best way to contact me.... Thank you



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