FirefighterParamedi cInspector

Full Time Firefighter Paramedic Inspector The Town of Waukesha Fire Department is accepting applications for Full-time firefighter Paramedic Fire Inspector. Applicants must have WI Cert. Firefighter I WI Licensed EMT-Paramedic (can be in paramedic class at time of application) valid WI driver license and CPAT Cert. completed between Aug. 1 2014 and July 31 2015. Competitive wage an dbenefit package. Applications available Mon. thru Fri. June 10 2015 to July 24 2015 at Waukesha Town Hall W250S3567 Center Road Waukesha WI 53189. Applications may be picked up and dropped off between 08 30 a.m. and 04 00 p.m. Completed applications must be submitted to the Town Hall no later than 112 noon July 24 2015. Applications also found on line at



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