coin hord

Over 30 000 coins silver proofs mint sets mint singles wheats 25000 wheats flying eagles Indian heads v nickels Jefferson nickels. merc dimes dimes from 1800s hey just to much to list 1 2s from 1800s to now. silver dollars. i am asking for 2.50 per coin take all over a100 proof sets hundreds of proof singles. they are over 175 000 in coin value check. coin 1825 1855half dollars lot of the wheats are valued way up in the hundreds as well as some of the dimes nickels we re talking 30 000 plus of coins this is a third generation collection i am adding coins to every week i will sell all or nothing at 2.50 per coin i will consider part trades like travel trailer new heavy duty truck land with home in Tenn ky In. i have just about every coin but not any 55dd no double dies please text any questions thank you



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