Antique 1940 s Unisex Native American Turquoise Bracelet

This is a magnificent museum quality handcrafted silver and turquoise cuff bracelet. It features a heavy gauge three band cuff set with a sensational turquoise cluster center piece. The hand cut tear shaped cabochon turquoise are all symmetrical and highlighted with handmade silver ropes and dots around each stone. The fabulous centerpiece measures approximately 2 1 4 H with a cuff opening of 1 1 2 There are no artists marks but an elderly Native American Tribesman who appraises and sells Native American antiques said that the bracelet is Navajo or Zuni and the stones and silver are authentic. He also said that the Navajo and Zuni tribes learned techniques from each other. He stated that the bracelet is in excellent condition with very little wear. Priced below similar ones being sold on the internet THIS IS A ONE OF A KIND VERY COLLECTIBLE NATIVE AMERICAN PIECE...AWESOME



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