Uber for moving hauling and delivery

GoShare is a mobile app that connects drivers who have a pickup truck cargo van or SUV with people and businesses nearby that need help moving hauling and delivering cargo on demand. All of our drivers are licensed insured and have passed a background check. We also carry cargo insurance to protect your items up to 10 000. You can download the GoShare app on your iPhone to get a quote and request a driver near you. If you don t have an iPhone call us and we will help you find a driver near you. We are currently serving parts of south New Jersey. Prices start at .99 per minute from the pickup point to the drop off point the clock starts when the driver starts loading and it stops when the driver finishes unloading. 24.99 minimum. Your GoShare driver will help you load and unload your cargo. We can also help with furniture delivery furniture removal garbage disposal hauling junk home depot pickups lowes pickups ikea pickups junk removal mattress removal small moves office moves rubbish removal trash removal TV disposal waste removal furniture donations courier services delivery services uber for trucks uber for moving. Areas served Cherry Hill Egg Harbor Mount Laurel Pennsauken Deptford Moorestown Glassboro Lawrence Trenton and more



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