The prices are sizzling at Easton Parc

That s right....Easton Parc will help you buy a home. With the new Easton Parc-HOAP program we will individually tailor a program that guides you along a predetermined course to becoming a HOMEOWNER while providing an all inclusive support system and some assistance with costs fees associated with purchasing a home STOP BY AND SEE WHY ALL OF SHERMAN IS TALKING ABOUT EASTON PARC Studio apartments start at 475.00 1 bedroom apartments start at 500.00 and for a LIMITED time lease a 2 bedroom 2 bath for 599.00 Studio One and Two Bedroom Apartments offer --Spacious Floor Plans --Walk In Closets --Washer & Dryer Connections --Large Kitchens --Private Patios or Balconies --Fireplaces in select units Convenient Location & Great Amenities Relaxing Pool 2 Clothes Care Centers Remodeled Clubhouse Close to Sherman s Main Shopping Restaurants and Transportation Centers Sherman ISD Easy Access to Main Roadways (Coming Soon Outdoor Cooking BBQ Covered Picnic Area Doggy Run Play Area ) Professional Management & Ownership We Are Pet Friendly Excellent Service The Right Place The Right Price Visit us at Easton Parc Apartments 1600 LaSalle Drive Sherman TX 75090 Office Hours Monday -- Friday 9 00am--6 00pm Saturday 10 00am-5 00pm Sunday 1 00pm-5 00pm



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