Bissell Powerful Lightweight Carpet Cleaner

Opened box brand new item Only used once for testing the machine when I received it from the wear house. Three remarks and noticeable on the test drive of this Bis-sell carpet cleaner are the machine s lightweight plus its powerful rolling brush and the water suction.After pressing the trigger for releasing the liquid soap cleaning on the carpet which just two-three times slowly pushing it forward and backward the on the carpet without pressing the cleaning trigger.That carpet area is so fresh and clean and that carpet area is noticeable 98% dried when touched and my who small room(studio)can be used after its air dried in fifteen minutes with the whole carpet with nearly new without any dark foot prints previously left by my cat when he was outdoor. Because its lightweight(15pounds)this also space saver carpet cleaner is perfect for the seniors or the small household size ladies. QuickSteamer-Powerbrush-Deep-Cleaner-with-Dir tLifter-Nozzle-Red-2080- d product_details.jsp pid 18930& mode seeAll reviewsLoaded Peter (415)948-0966



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