Genuine Turquoise and Sterling Silver Mens Ring

Native American Turquoise Sterling Silver Ring Size 10 to 12 1 2. This Turquoise Ring is an elegant piece of hand made Native American jewelry. This ring was beautifully hand made out of shimmering Sterling Silver. The center has been dressed with a hand cut oval cabochon of genuine Turquoise. The cool blue-green color of the Turquoise perfectly compliments the white shine of the Sterling Silver. Sterling Silver feathers elegantly showcase the Turquoise cabochon. Made in our shop. Designed & created by master silversmith Pete Hackert this ring is 1 wide. Sizes 10 to 12-1 2 are available. Let us know what size you want in the comment box as you check out. Stamped Sterling signed P Hackert with our Broken Arrow hallmark. You ll be getting one from the group. Matrix of the Turquoise may slightly vary. Visit our website



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