2010 Bloomer 4 horse trailer

Lunar dome vent lights on battery switch and rubber mats on the floor. The dress area is fully insulated including the roof. fold out step at dress area door. Horse area is fully rubber lined fully padded and fully insulated. 6 vents in dress area 3 large storage boxes 26 bridle hooks clothes rod drop down doors with bars bloomers full swing feed door at each horses head drops with bars on butt side. 4 mangers with 4 manger access doors 8ft enclosed hay pod fixed rear tack with 5 saddle racks 2010 Bloomer 16 bridle hooks 4 swing out blanket bars and 1 brush tray. stud divider 1st stall. Alcoa wheels with 14ply tires. electric hydraulic disc brakes. spare tire included. 5 load lights located on all sides of trailer. 4 Horse Slant Load Bumper Pull w Dress All aluminum 22ft box 8ft wide 7ft 6in tall. Very large front dress area 4 short wall 8 long wall.



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