Outstanding Auction Saturday February 2nd at Magnolia Gardens Au

Join us Saturday February 2nd for our huge auction at Magnolia Gardens Auction House We are excited to bring you a floor full of treasures everything from big to smalls....a great Ferragmao Spencer & Rutherford Handbags gorgeous buffets a really neat cedar table and chairs fine glass wares like depression glass Johnson Brothers beds enamel ware pots Remington statue dining tables chairs and so much more to come You may stop by on Wednesdays for a early preview from 9 30 to 5 30. Our doors open at 5pmon Saturday for viewing and this amazing sale starts at 7pm. Visit us on Facebook as well as our website at www.magnoliagardensauctionhouse.com. Remember if ever you can not attend the auction you may call 281-516-7251 or 713-363-4855 and leave an absentee bid...we just need the amount you wish to bid on your favorite treasures payment and contact information. You may also call the numbers above to reserve seats. Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Credit Card AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome



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