Guitarists looking for a BAND

Rock n Roll Oldies Guitarist some keyboards and Vocals Recording Artist 1974..Have been in Bands since 1964 tired of performing for my basement walls.....Have good practice place w no restrictions on hours to practice Equiptmen Peavey Value King 100 watt w 2-4-12 s Vox Cabs a 1970 Fender Strat Body & Jap Squrie Neck Marshall 100 watt HDFX Head ----Kustom 150 Guitar Head Kustom 300 Watt PA 2-2-12 Montor Cabs Shure PG58 Vox WaWa Pedal Played Oldies DooWop Motown and some Hard Rock Jerry Lee Lewis Little Richard Bo Diddley Beatles Elvis Bobby Vinton Rare Earth Black Oak And Good Music....Open to almost any thing BUT RAP ....Could enjoy some good harder rock to blow the crowed AWAY.... No Hang UPS...No Drugs...No Drunks...I live Music 24 7 ..Free to travel...Have an Agent.... Contact Crystl Dee 717 -838-2993----Business No 717 608-1690 No Hours To Late



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