Flower Creek Gardens

Flower Creek Garden Open House April 24 25 1 - 5 OFF Your Purchase Drawing for Door Prizes Refreshments 205 West Main Street Plymouth IL Phone 309 333 7545 Visit our website flowercreekgardens.wix.com plants Vegetables Peppers Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower Egg Plant Kohlrabi 3 varieties of Cucumber Squash Michihli Chinese Cabbage 10 Varieties of Tomatoes Bell Peppers Golden Bell Sweet Banana Jalapeno Hot Squash Zucchini Yellow Straight Neck Flowers Hanging Baskets Geraniums Pansies Spike Vinca Vine Impatiens Marigold Petunia Salvia Verbina Easy Wave Petunias Gerber Daisies



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