Tantra Massage with Goddess OM

Jade Lotus Tantra Level 1 - Now available in Tijuana Baja California Mexico Hip dromo neighborhood (20mins from SD Border) www.instituteoftantra.com PH 6309268809 The chakras are the key to physical health emotional stability and mental clarity. The chakras are vortexes of moving energy which stimulate various endocrine glands in the body to secrete hormones into the blood stream. The effects of hormones control our body. They also affect our state of mind. The chakras purify our energy from the gross physical plane associated with out primal instincts and basic animal nature. turning it into a highly refined spiritual plane that connects us with the source of life itself. When we begin the journey into our Chakras we open the way for healing psychological development and spiritual growth. Session 1 is all about this. As we progress upward through the energy centers we learn more about who we are and the ideas and attitudes that form our lives.This system of healing is ancient. It was mentioned in Vedic records and many original cultures embraced an understanding of energy. The Egyptians perfected it through aromatherapy and color healing the early Jews codified their understanding of these principles in the mystical Kabbalah and the Islamic Sufi s embraced the Energy as a connection with God.Today in our highly charged world we are in urgent need of understanding this ancient knowledge. This is all encompassed in our Institute of Tantra Level 1 Tantra Session. Beginning with Tantric Kundalini work to ENERGIZE and AWAKEN your Chakra System to increase power and energy. Various movements of the body will help increase circulation and promote well being. This session is all about the Chakra System. Session 1 begins with attunement with your goddess. Essential knowledge regarding your chakra system is given. While reaching certain areas of your body you will be told what your chakras represent how they can best be activated and if there is disharmony how they can open heal and provide us with new information to guide us. This session gives you the opportunity to connect with your practitioner and discuss any concerns which relates to the chakra that the practitioner is working on thus it becomes a Chakra counselling session. For men we will introduce you to breath controling ej-cul-tion techniques and the power and benefit of control within tantra. As an additional Training Practitioners are able to work with the powerful Chakra Diagnostic Tools given to them through their training. This allows a more deeper more intuitive method of analysing your own personal situation within the frameworks of your sexuality. You can ask your practitioner to offer you a detailed report on your Chakra system analysis for an additional small fee which will outlines areas for you to work on and problem areas that you have that need attention. This is a brilliant way to understand your body its energy and ways in which you can grow and enhance your own sexual skills through the clearing of your chakras. Chakra Diagnostic Tools are only given to Tantra Practitioners who are Certified and Trained by our Tools Facilitators. This tool is for Practitionres Trained at head office. For dates on Training for Chakra Diagnostic Tools Please email. Essential Oils and relaxed environment will allow a meditative state and you will learn how to relax your breathing and balance the energy with the guidence of the practitioner. Breaths will be directed into the chakra system. This session will give you an introduction into relaxation and how to bring the breath into each energy center. The Chakras will be activated and energy build up will allow a deep energetic release. This is an immaculate way to begin your journey through Tantra. Institute of TANTRA is a wonderful way to bring peace and contentment to your life and a very easy way to learn this ancient and sacred sensual method. The mantra OM (or AUM) is the vibration of the Supreme. When taken letter by letter A-U-M represents the divine Goddess Trinity Isis Hathor and Sekhmet. Sekhmet is strongly associated with Kundalini which is described as unleashed feminine sexuality manifesting as psychic energy in both women and men. It is also called Shakti the power aspect of the individual. Sekhmet is often seen carrying the Ankh the Egyptian Cross a symbol representing or containing the mysteries of Life. Tantra massage combines sexual energy with traditional massage techniques. Sekhmet holds potentized keys for upright living through activation and harmonization of the central channel and the chords of light within it the Seals or chakras. The idea behind Tantra massage is to awaken these seven chords of light. These energy centers are located along the spine and your masseuse Goddess OM will align these to release the energy stored within which will allow blocked energy to unravel and flow throughout the body starting at the base of the spine and rising throughout the rest of the body (Kundalini). Sekhmet is an active force which can be called upon directly to impart Sekhem energy so beneficial in the healing process. Join Goddess OM in her temple where she will use her Ankh and her healing touch to call upon the power of Sekhmet and show you how to become familiar with your mystical nature and in doing so expand your boundaries (sexual and otherwise). 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