New Construction Homes in Lake Nona from 200k and Up

New Construction Homes in Lake Nona from 200k and Up Offering world-class education exceptional family experiences and outstanding amenities Lake Nona highest quality of living in Central Florida for more than 25 years. A vibrant international population of members and residents enjoy an active lifestyle along with a full calendar for recreation festivities and entertainment. Stay up to date with this community and other like it through our Facebook page. Lake Nona s Tom Fazio-designed championship golf course is world-ranked and has been a regular host to a number of international tournaments including the Solheim Cup and the Tavistock Cup. Follow our blogs for insider information and builder discounts. Lake Nona also features a newly renovated fitness center tennis courts and pool year-round children s programming as well as a trio of pristine lakes providing freshwater fishing and boating opportunities. Numerous parks and trails diverse workspaces as well as upcoming retail and entertainment choices. There are also hospitals universities and research institutions setting new benchmarks in medical education patient care and scientific research. Search Homes in Lake Nona. Download our free app to search for more homes available for sale. New Construction Homes in Lake Nona from 200k and Up



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