Kissimmee Builder Discounts on New Construction Homes

Kissimmee Builder Discounts on New Construction Homes If ever there was more of a better reason to buy a new construction home in kissimmee this offer would be it. AV Homes is partnering up with us at The Giff Group to bring you these amazing offers. In the following pictures below you ll be able to view 4 different communities from AV Homes for you to choose from. What s the amazing offer I was talking about They re willing to pay 10 000 towards closing or the purchase price One of the communities offers to pay your HOA and club dues for 2 whole years. These great deals do have an expiration date on them so go ahead and take a look then give us a call at 407.655.6619 to set up a time to view them in person. From thrills to tranquility Kissimmee Florida offers the most adventure and best attractions on earth. Moments to Orlando a Kissimmee vacation puts you right in the middle of all the activitiesand attractions that turn family vacations into experiences that last a lifetime. Located next to world-class theme parks such as Walt Disney World Resort Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld Orlando Kissimmee is the perfect place to plan your Central Florida vacation. Fly across the water on a thrilling airboat ride and discover a world alive with tropical birds turtles and legendary alligators. Travel to Old Town or tour the brick-lined streets of Celebration where you ll find an exciting mix of dining options dinner shows and unique shopping possibilities. If golf is your game Kissimmee is a vacation dream come true. Our year-round warm weather and variety of golf courses are ideal for everyone from beginners to touring pros. Search here for more new construction homes.



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