Help Desk Analyst

SUMMARY The Help Desk Analyst will provide assistance in use of all computer technology provided by Information Services (IS). You may be required to rotate shifts as needed to meet business needs. This is a contract opportunity with openings on 1st and 2nd shift.RESPONSIBILITIES Serves as single point of contact for technology support to ensure issues are recorded and addressed in timely manner Communicates clearly and courteously with members calling for assistance Provides first-level support and problem resolution to technology customers Logs information concerning calls into automated system to track history of calls and resolutions Provides input for process and procedure improvements Ensures production system availability and schedules completion and escalates all processing failures to maintain system availability to business Ensures network availability by monitoring and escalating system alerts and failures QUALIFICATIONS Associate s degree in computer science information systems or equivalent required One year of related work experience required Ability to maintain confidentiality when working with sensitive data Broad technical and organizational skills with good attention to detail Familiarity with information technologies and their application to business processes Good communication and interpersonal skills Ability to work well under pressure and quickly assess and respond to customer issues Strong data-gathering and problem-solving skills MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER



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