2015 8.5x22 Red Enclosed Cargo Trailer w electric pkg and e-tra

2015 8.5x22 Red Enclosed Cargo Trailer with Electric and E-Trac Don t be in a hurry when it comes to buying your next cargo trailer. Most dealers train their sales staff to take advantage of the fact that you want a trailer immediately. Slow down and take your time and you and I will work together to get you the right trailer at the right price. If you can wait 4-6 weeks and leet me build it you can save thousands. Call me now. STANDARD CARGO TRAILER FEATURES White metal exterior (2) 12V Dome lights with switch ST205 15 bias-ply tire Beavertail frame Non-powered roof vent Silver Mod Wheels (4) D-rings in floor LED Strip tail lights 36 RV style side door with flush lock 3 4 plywood floor painted underneath Wall members 16 o.c. Vnose with ATP vertical trim Premium 3 8 plywood sidewalls Floor crossmembers 16 o c Rear Ramp with spring assists 1x1 steel tube in walls and ceiling Roof members 24 o.c. 3500lb l spring axles with 4 drop and 6 6 Sidewalls (78 height) Screwed metal exterior EZ Lube Hubs 2000 lb tongue jack Galvalume roof 24 Stoneguard on front 6 I-Beam Main Frame Rails 7-way Round elec. Plug 2 5 16 coupler Additional Features ELECTRICAL PKG E-TRACK PAINT BULLDOG TONGUE Luaun ceiling Let me have your next cargo trailer motorcycle trailer toy hauler landscape trailer or mobile storage unit built to your exact specifications. Pre plan your purchase and save. We work with factories across the country and can pair you up with just the right cargo trailer factory almost anywhere in the country. Price 7 300 Call Steve 478-231-2143 _____________________



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