New Construction Homes in Sorrento Florida

New Construction Homes in Sorrento Florida The City is an unincorporated part of Lake County and is a part of the environmentally sensitive Wekiva River Basin. The majority of the area lies along State Road 46 lying between Mt. Dora and Sanford. Mt. Plymouth is also considered a part of Sorrento. New Construction Homes in Sorrento Florida is just one of a few things this small but beautiful city has to offer. Stay up to date with this community and other like it through our Facebook page. Take a quick look at the video tour of this community here. Get back in touch with nature by visiting one of the many attractions in Sorrento FL and experience for yourself the richness of owning your own New Construction Home in Sorrento Florida. While in Sorrento FL you can choose to refresh your golfing skills at Eagles Dune Golf Club which is considered one of the best courses in Central Florida. If golfing doesn t quite do the job visit Rock Springs Run Trail and go horseback riding while enjoying lush landscapes. For those hot Florida summer days we have two options for you Rock Springs Run State Reserve offers a tranquil spring with plenty of activities to enjoy while visiting. The Falls is the place you want to be if you want to enjoy a little bit more than just Rock Springs Run. Complete with music water slides canoeing fishing and much more. Search for Homes in Sorrento FL. Sorrento is proud to present a brand new community with lots of room to continue growing. Sorrento Springs by Royal Oak Homes offers affordability spacious floor plans and numerous community amenities. Some of the amenities in Sorrento Springs a community of New Construction Homes in Sorrento Florida. Follow our blogs for insider information and builder discounts. Golf Course Community Resort -Style Pool Clubhouse Fitness Center Two Tennis Courts Playground Pavilion and much more Download our free app to search for more homes available for sale. New Construction Homes in Sorrento Florida



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