Networth Overseas Consultants is a trusted visa firm Established in 2004 running by Mr. Satpal Manocha and his son Mr. Vishal Manocha(Director) who is a (Canadian PR holder RCIC Registered Consultant) and also an Immigration officer who help the students to get them Without IELTS visa or With IELTS Visa. we are trusted brand since 2004. WHY CHOOSE US 1. Accommodation 2. Driving Licence 3. Post-study work permit OTHER VISA SERVICES 1. Study Visa 2. Study visa without IELTS 3. Spouse Visa 4. Super Visa 5. Tourist Visa 6. Business Visa 7. Work Permit 8. Permanent Residence (PR) Regards- Vasu Gupta Networth Overseas Consultants Sco-9 Ist Floor Nehru palace Karnal Karnal Haryana 132001 Feel free to call 9416004611 7206034611



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