Taath 1224 hydraulic grinding machine

Our company offers its TAATH 1224 hydraulic grinding machine for sale with the following parameters: Year of production: 2018 Table: 600 x 300 mm Table motion (m/ sec): 3-20 Cross driving on wheel (mm): 0, 02/ grade 4/ rounds Vertical driving on wheel (mm): 0, 01/ grade 1, 25/ rounds X-axis driving: hydraulic Y-axis driving: engine Z-axis: manual Disc dimensions: ? 300 x 30 x 76, 2 mm Spindle speed (60Hz): 1680rpm We provide 12 months guarantee for the machine as from the installation. CE certification: the machine has a work, accident and health qualification certified by the European Union. The given price excludes VAT (relevant for domestic purposes only). For further information or in case of consultation please contact us at + 36-70-9493650 or by e-mail [email protected].



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