New Construction Homes In St Cloud

New Construction Homes in St. Cloud St. Cloud a family-oriented city near Orlando was founded April 16 1909 as a retirement community for Civil War Union veterans who paid 50 for five-acre lots. The birth of modern day St. Cloud is possible through the aspirations of several men including Hamilton Disston who began visiting Florida from Philadelphia on fishing trips in the 1870s. After positive results from sugarcane at Southport Disston became interested in its production. He erected the first sugar factory at the St. Cloud Plantation at East Lake Tohopekaliga. A small community developed at Disston s sugar works and when the plantation was abandoned a few families stayed on moving to the location. The Sugar Belt Railway was merged with South Florida Railway and the St. Cloud Plantation was acquired by the Seminole Land and Investment Company (SLIC). Stay in touch through our Facebook page to get more insider news on our New Construction Homes in St. Cloud. Now introducing a brand new community- Gramercy Farms in St. Cloud FL. This community has everything you d expect from a new construction home in St. Cloud and more. Priced from 178 990- 257 990. Communities include several amenities which consists of a basketball court playground dog park and pavilion with picnic tables. With shopping centers nearby right off of US 192 you ll never have to worry about any long drives. Shopping centers restaurants and entertainment can be found within minutes of your new home via US 192 and also through Florida Turnpike. New homes at these prices won t last very long give us a call to set up a time to view these lovely homes 407.655.6619 Why choose New Construction Homes in St. Cloud Simple KB Homes is a builder you can trust. Floorplans range from 1676 sqft to 3350 sqft. Find Homes in St. Cloud to view other homes near this area. Homes in the area are selling for competitive prices and some of them will need some work in the near future. With a new home from KB you won t have to worry about anything except for what style you want to decorate the interior. Set up a time to speak with us and take a tour of anyone of these beautiful homes. See for yourself the beauty of St. Cloud and all it has to offer. St. Cloud is known for its beautiful 2.5 miles of lakefront areas and extensive park programs. You will never have a dull moment when exploring St. Clouds beautiful nature scenery. You can take an airboat tour and visit Marsh Land here locally. Enjoy some ziplining and buggy rides throughout natural scenery. Visit the Royal St. Cloud Golf Links to brush up on your skills or challenge a friend to a game. Royal St. Cloud Golf Links was voted 1 golf link course in all of Orlando and also voted one of the best value courses in Florida. With so many outdoor activities it won t be difficult to kind some much needed relaxation from your New Construction Home in St. Cloud. See more homes in St. Cloud. New Construction Homes In St Cloud (Marina View)



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