4 bedroom homes for sale in Brookestone Ocoee Real Estate Kell

This 4 bedroom home for sale in Brookestone is the best that Ocoee Real Estate has to offer Brookestone is found in the southern portion of Ocoee near Windermere FL. This 4 bedroom home for sale in Brookestone boasts the open floor plan that everyone is looking for. In addition the kitchen has an island in the middle for more counter space and overlooks the living room. The master bedroom is found on one side of the home while the other 3 bedrooms are found at the opposite end giving the owners maximum privacy. This Brookestone home is found on a premium lot that overlooks the neighborhood lake. If a safer neighborhood is a top priority then rest easy because Brookestone is a gated neighborhood for that extra layer of security. For more information about this 4 bedroom home for sale in Brookestone please visit www.576belhavenfallsdrive.com and scheduling a showing today Francisco Orchilles Realtor The Orchille Realty Group Keller Williams Classic Realty 407-925-4552 frank(at)orchillesrealtygroup.com



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