New Construction Homes of East Lake Park in Saint Cloud FL.

New Construction Homes of East Lake Park in Saint Cloud FL. East Lake Park in Saint Cloud Fl. is definitely unique city to live in. Saint Cloud has very rich history that explains only one major feature- growth. Growth is always a plus when buying a new home. Located near Kissimmee and Orlando only minutes from Central Florida s famous tourist attractions and beaches. The Saint Cloud has approximately 40 000 residents with only 20 000 residents back in 2000. The school district for this neighborhood is improving more and more each year with a graduation rate of 83% from its senior classes at the High School level. See more school ratings and info here. Home prices in East Lake Park in Saint Cloud FL. range from 319k- 850k. The homes within this beautiful new community consist of single and 2 story homes with many style homes to choose from. The average home price in this community is 393 624. See homes for sale in this community. With some many great locations and new communities there s no telling which one will be your favorite. Click here to see more properties similar to our New Construction Homes of East Lake Park in Saint Cloud FL. Follow our blogs for insider information and builder discounts. Some of the activites available in The East Lake Park community in Saint Cloud FL. include anything from shopping to airboat tours to Florida s famous ziplines. If you prefer a more quiet and calm activity visit Royal St. Cloud Golf links which has been rated Orlando s 1 Golf course. Golfing isn t your only calm and soothing activity enjoy some fishing at Lake Toho with an experienced guide if needed. Saint Cloud s nightlife is a very vivid one with many bars in the area or with quick drive to Orlando s downtown you re sure to have a great time. Horse carriage rides can also be an option for a night out especially with those nice 70 degree Florida nights. Stay up to date with this community or see upcoming events in the area through our Facebook page. Closest shopping areas near East Lake Park in Saint Cloud FL. includes Publix a well known supermarket with everything you need from fresh bread to cold cuts to baked goods. If you re in need of more than just groceries there is a Walmart at just 9 miles from East Lake Park where you can find anything and everything you might be looking for. Lake Buena Vista Premium Outlets provide the perfect spot to do all your apparel shopping with more than 40 Designer brand stores with discounted prices and special offers daily at only 30 minutes away. Navigating and exploring Saint Cloud FL. will not be an issue at all with Florida s Turnpike at just 9 miles from East Lake Park and Highway 192 at just 5 miles from the community. Other locations of interest such as Disney World can be reached at 27 miles from East Lake Park or Universal Studios at 30 miles away and SeaWorld at 24 miles away. Living in East Lake Park will make hosting family or visitors a breeze with so many attractions near and much more.Download our free app to search for more homes available for sale. New Construction Homes of East Lake Park in Saint Cloud FL.Interested in a career in real estate Visit our website for details.



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