Local Class A Dedicated Run 5000 BONU

.45 CPM 4 PER 15 Mins at the store 1040 Weekly avg 54 000 Yearly avg Training at 150 day for 4 days Drivers are guaranteed 1 000 per week for 6 weeks. (Orientation & Week 1-5 while at the account) Driver will also receive 5 00 sign on bonus in addition to the pay guarantee. Time off Shift Home daily Start times varies between 0900--1200 and work a 12 - 14 hours a day - driver can work into an earlier shift as they become available Shift could be Tuesday- Saturday (Days off Sunday Monday) or Monday - Friday (Days off Saturday Sunday) - Applicants must be willing to do any shift Position Details 100% Drop and Hook with no touch freight All loads are either 1 or 2 stops 50% are Drop and Hook and 50% are live load unload Pull either a 48 or 53 ft swing door trailer. Deliveries to Customer Stores in VA MD DE and PA as well as Metro Philly Baltimore and Washington DC. Newer model tractors purchased within the last 3 years. Some slip seating as needed.



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