ICE CREAM TRUCK and HAWAIIAN ICE 35 900.00 137 000 MILES 2000 GMC SAVANA VAN 3500 Chevrolet Savana Soft Serve Ice Cream Truck 137 000 miles Royals Royce of Ice Cream Trucks New Transmission ac Fuel Pump tires 4- bay sink seperate hand sink hot and cold running water 2 SERVING WINDOWS Great for Street Vending or festivals and shows Cold Plat Freezer and fridge lots of room and storage PTO Shaft Runs the Ice Cream Machine NO Generator Needed Great on Gas new ac unit on top 10FT ROLL OUT AWNING ON FRONT INCLUDES CONE BALOON AND 2-FEATHER FLAGS EASY TO STREET VEND AND GET IN AND OUT OF EVENTS TOWING HITCH AND BRAKES SPARE TIRE WITH STORAGE NEW EXHAUST SYSTEM NC STATE INSPECTED Carpigianhi Ice Cream Machine no health dept. inspections Well maintained all fluids change and 100 000 mile tune up just recently done includes all the product for ice cream and hawaiian ice plus 10 events paid for 2018 Lots of Bells and Whistles This Truck wont last long 910-547-5950 Excellent working condition MOTIVATED SELLER



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