Physiotherapy Holland Landing

Physiotherapists assist people to restore maintain and maximize their strength function movement and overall well-being. They use their knowledge and skills to improve a range of conditions associated with different systems of the body. They have in-depth knowledge of how the body works and specialized hands-on clinical skills to assess diagnose and treat symptoms of illness injury and disability. Physiotherapy includes rehabilitation as well as prevention of injury and disability managing acute and chronic conditions improving and maintaining optimal physical performance promotion of health and fitness and educating patients to prevent re-occurrence of an injury.Every physiotherapy appointment is all about you and your particular needs. For an initial assessment the physiotherapist will look at your medical history assess and diagnose your condition make a treatment plan that sets goals for you and prescribe a course of exercises and any assistive devices needed. During a session it typically involves hands-on treatment including manual therapy to stretch stiff joints and therapeutic massage to loosen tight muscles. There may also be machines involved with your treatment. Some types of electrical machines can help address pain or help to stimulate weak muscles. An individualized home exercise program will also be prescribed that may involve a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises.Click this link to learn more about physiotherapy in Holland Landing.



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