PT Assistant Manager - Naturalizer

TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION At Naturalizer we pride ourselves on having GREAT STORES that provide an enjoyable shopping experience for our Customers. We recognize that our ability to deliver that GREAT EXPERIENCE relies largely upon the GREAT PEOPLE who work in our stores. We currently have a PT Assistant Manager opportunity at our Naturalizer store located in Oklahoma City OK The Ideal Assistant Manager Candidate Must Demonstrate a passion for exceeding Customer expectations Partner with supervising managers to foster an environment of teamwork Assist in the individual growth and development of store team members Be able to work a flexible schedule Naturalizer is a retail division of Brown Shoe a 2.5 billion dollar company with worldwide operations recognized as the leader in footwear. We offer an immediate 30% discount career advancement and much more Brown Shoe is an Equal Opportunity Employer that fosters partnerships diversity and trust. Please apply at Brown ENTER ZIP CODE __73132______ You and Naturalizer just might be the perfect pair



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