South Bay Villas of Orlando FL.

South Bay Villas of Orlando FL. South Bay Villas of Orlando FL. is located at the center of the Greater Orlando area in Central Florida. Orlando Fl. has been considered the third largest metropolitan area in all of the State of Florida. Orlando is nicknamed The City Beautiful and its symbol is the fountain at Lake Eola. Orlando has also been called The Theme Park Capital of the World and its tourist attractions tend to bring in more than 57 million visitors a year including 4.1 million of those being international guests. The Orlando International Airport (MCO) is the thirteenth busiest airport in the United States and the 29th busiest in the world. Orlando is constantly expanding and adapting to changes. With more and more visitors every year the Mayor s goal is make it as tourist friendly as possible. Orlando was awarded the most visited American city in 2009 with its attractions forming the backbone of the tourism industry. Stay up to date with this community and others like it through our Facebook page. South Bay Villas of Orlando FL. brings more than just another community to this famous area. South Bay Villas is located right next to Arnold Palmer Golf Course one of the most famous golfing courses worldwide. These beautiful homes offer a range of 3-6 bedroom and 2-4 bathrooms from 2 800 square feet to 5 071 square feet of luxury living space. It s location is a unlike any other. Downtown is only 15 minutes away and only 10 minutes away from Orlando s most famous shopping and entertaining dining strip- International Drive. Wet N Wild is one of the most popular water parks of Orlando right along International Drive just a short distance from the newly improved go kart tracks. All major theme parks such as Universal Studios Sea World and Disney World are located at a very short distance from South Bay Villas of Orlando FL. Ranging from a 10 minute drive up to a 30 minute drive. This prestige area has become a very desirable location in the last few years with more and more tournaments being held at the Arnold Palmer Golf Course.Take a look at homes available in South Bay Villas of Orlando FL. Nightlife in Orlando is unlike any other in Central Florida area. Downtown Orlando transforms every night to bring the best as party zone with more than 3 blocks of bars and night clubs to choose from. With tons of venues offering many types of music and drinking specials to accommodate any taste. Going to the cinema is also something you could definitely take advantage of while visiting Orlando. Now featuring 100% Digital video projection 12 auditoriums with luxury leather stadium seating digital surround sound and expanded concessions featuring beer wine and a full menu. Downtown Orlando also has countless prestigious restaurants with world famous chefs and locations recognized nationwide for fine dining. Afterwards take a stroll around Lake Eola. Watch the center of Lake Eola light up at sunset every night creating a quiet and romantic setting. South Bay Villas of Orlando FL. offers convenient shopping options from a CVS Pharmacy to several local businesses nearby that provide anything you need at a moments notice. There is a great variety of restaurants within a 5 mile radius allowing you to make a quick order or set up a reservation to enjoy a beautiful atmosphere and a delicious meal. South Bay Villa is connected with Sand Lake Rd and Apopka Vineland giving you the ability to avoid high traffic areas and most importantly provide easier navigation throughout the area. Along this road you can find anything including all kinds of ethnic and traditional foods convenience stores gasoline stations hair salons banks and much more. There is a Publix supermarket at just 2 miles from South Bay Villas of Orlando FL. in which you ll find a great layout with aisle after aisle of great food items. They also offer fresh seafood meat and poultry as well as the basic necessities. Walmart is just 4 miles from South Bay Villas providing a little more than just groceries which include clothing electronics banking and more. Search homes in Orlando FL and Follow our blogs for insider information and builder discounts. Orlando s school district is one of the most prestigious due to the fact that many professionals demand higher and better results from their child s studies. Visit South Bay Villas school district to read parent reviews for yourself. Most of this areas schools offer high quality programs that encourage develop and challenge each student to strive. Most of the schools either private chartered or public in this area have demonstrated their desire to stand out above all other schools nearby. Rest assured that regardless of the school you choose your children will have the ability to grow and develop a sense of pride and prestige. Download our free app to search for more homes available for sale. Wingrove Estates in Orlando FL. Interested in a career in real estate Visit our website for details.



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