Hockley Downsizing Online Auction - Barrel Run Drive

WILL SELL by Thursday January 24 2019 8 00 PM Hockley Downsizing Online Auction - Barrel Run DriveThis online auction features VINTAGE Cameras - Micromini with box Brownie and Argus 75 toys dolls stuffed animals HALLOWEEN decor. COLLECTIBLE Trinket boxes KLM Delft Bols houses vinyl. HOUSEWARES NIB chafing dishes Omega juicer buffet dishes table settings sets of two and four dishes linens and decor. CRYSTAL GLASS Vases. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Bach Omega trumpet vintage Martin Busine flute both with cases. ELECTRONICS and more Please view catalog and pictures online at MaxSold (s maxsold.maxsold.com auction 13485 utm_source Classifiedads.com& utm_medium post& utm_campaign Hockley-BarrelRunDrive). Everything will SELL BY Thursday January 24 2019 8 00 PM regardless of price - everything starts at just 1. For more information please visit our website.This is an online auction We do not sell nor ship privately.



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