2015 Can-Am Spyder F3S SM6 Only 20999 at Jim Potts Motor Group O

2015 Can-Am Spyder F3-S SM6 in magnesium gray ONLY 20999 at Jim Potts Motor Group SPECIAL OPEN HOUSE PRICING STOCK M1278 The cruising riding position of the Spyder F3-S customized just for you with the new UFit System enables you to sit back and confidently take in the scenery...or the stares from onlookers. They ll look extra long at the machined deep black high gloss front wheels red accents and added fender lighting. And with its Rotax 1330 ACE engine Y-frame design and seven automotive technologies you can count on a thrilling and confident ride. Easy hassle-free pricing Financing as low as 2.9% gets you out the door today Worry-free Warranty (815)338-0640 Jim Potts Motor Group 1033 Wanda Lane Woodstock Il 60098 Sales(at)JimPotts.com All prices subject to taxes and fees



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