1994 Wellcraft Martinique 28

Boat is very clean and well maintained. Outdrives replaced in late 2012 and heads replace in May 2013 new risers and manifolds in 2008. Boat only used 4 or 5 times since replacing heads in 2014. Electric toilet installed in 2013. Creature comforts for family outing and fishing. Custom rod holder for keeping up to 6 rods ready to use at a moments notice. L750 fish finder with thru hull transducer. SI-TEX ultra-color plus chart plotter VHF radio 8D house battery Magnum SS BBQ power windlass and power spotlight. Engine access thru a full width gas-strut operated hatch shore power walk-thru windshield gives quick access to the foredeck for single handling. ABT custom Tri-axel trailer built for boat in late 2008(at) cost of 8500 new brakes on trailer in fall of 2013.Boat sleeps two in mid-cabin two on the convertible dinette and two in the forward angle berth full galley with one burner range refrigerator microwave coffee pot and toaster oven. Enclosed head with shower and sink. On deck visibility from raised hem is excellent Triple wide helm seat. Aft-facing pull out seat and stern seat provide superior guest seating all covered by a full camper style enclosure newly added as of July 2013. Also includes built in stereo and vacuum and 2 adjustable deck lounges. Only serious offers will be considered - See more at www.caboats.com used-boats 9202.htm sthash.JEBg13SH.dpuf



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