Do you have a step child We want your opinion

Do you have a step child We want your opinion Seeking Participants Eligibility Male participants. Who speak read and understand English. Are 18 or older. Are fathers with at least one sociolegal daughter (i.e. step-daughter common-law daughter or adoptive daughter).Researchers at The Royal s Institute of Mental Health Research and the University of Ottawa want your opinion We are conducting a survey asking for your opinions and experiences regarding a number of behaviours. Measures include questions about your relationship satisfaction experiences as a father your past behaviours and questions about your beliefs and interests. You will be asked to complete some measures of your opinion and experiences about sexual behaviour (e.g. sexual assault). Your responses to these measures will be completely anonymous. To thank you for completing the survey you could win one of eighty 25 Amazon gift cards.Potential Negative Consequences to Participating You may experience anxiety emotional distress or embarrassment due to the sensitive topics being studied. If you would like to participate or for more information please click on the link below FathersStudy.aspx W 5This study has received clearance by The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group s Research Ethics Board (Reference 2015016)



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