Description 25 for Diabetic Testing Strips CASH PAID FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. We buy un-used test strips and get them to people with no health insurance. So recycle your unused test strips for some Ca h. We are always needing OneTouch Ultra Ultra Blue Accu-Chek Aviva Compact Bayer Contour FreeStyle FreeStyle Lite But We Do Buy Any Diabetic Testing Strips We are currently paying up to 25 on all unexpired boxes that are at least 6 months from expiration other boxes will be priced lower based on expiration dates type. All boxes must be factory sealed unopened. We do take in expired test strips as long as they are within the last year as they can still be used for donation purposes. We usually can meet the same day and we will also pay for shipping if you want to ship them. We pay through PayPal for all shipping orders and the shipping is covered by us as well. Call or text Phone Number for more information. (970)2094291 or (970)2093659Give me a call if you have any questions. You can reach me at



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