Staffing Specialist

SUMMARY This individual will support recruiting staff by conducting activities such as reference checking telephone interviews interview coordination and scheduling applicants for testing. RESPONSIBILITIES Researches and recommends cost effective recruitment sources and alternatives to enhance recruitment and low cost strategies Uses structured interview and reference templates to obtain appropriate and necessary information to evaluate candidate qualifications Prepares written summaries and makes recommendations based on information obtained as to whether or not applicants pass to next phase of hiring process for available salaried and hourly positions within company to enhance member engagement and align talent to organization goals Collects and maintains data to track and report performance results and assure compliance with employment and Affirmative Action laws.May prepare reports and maintain records to track trends related to employment function Participates in development preparation and support of department programs to support corporate initiatives in cost-effective manner (e.g. educational reimbursement new member orientation) QUALIFICATIONS Associate s degree in business industrial relations human resource management or equivalent One year of experience in HR or related heavy customer contact position Working knowledge of employment law and OFCCP compliance Willing and able to work extended workdays flexible hours and weekends to screen interview applicants outside normal workday hours MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER



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